iMetrix Speech Analytics – iSA
iSA transcribes calls and interprets spoken conversations and chats in a massive way and in a short time; allows you to automate the quality audit process of the business rules of your service agents with customers.
Speech Analytics
Voice and text analytics
Customer Analytics
Business intelligence
We do it like this

1. Set up

Contact centers generate voice and text files and save conversations with their customers.

2. Process

ISA processes 100% of the calls and identifies the voice parameters and the content spoken by the agents with their customers.

3. Analyze

Each Business Rule generates an analyzable metric and within the ISA model.

4. Visualize

ISA verifies each call converted to text, identifies business rules and basic agent profiling.

ISA Customer Insights:

ISA Customer Insights enhances ISA’s analysis by extracting valuable information to monitor and improve the experience of its customers, in aspects related to the brand, the product, service problems, sales objections, behavior patterns or fraud, emotions, among others

Believe in us

Working on these solutions with the IMETRIX team has been an exercise in commitment and professionalism, a team open to changes and improvements seeking to deliver the best service, as well as supporting the results that we can achieve, a quick and effective response to the requests and obstacles to finding what is needed

Juan Mota
LATAM IGS Quality Manager.
iMetrix is a data analytics and data strategy firm focused on developing artificial intelligence-based business solutions. As part of Sofka Technologies Group, we offer companies massive, fast, and quality audits for 100% of calls and chats.

Paralelo Business Center 108 Av. Carrera 45 No. 108-27 Tower 2, Office 1101

Bogotá, Col.