Sofka Startup Studio - Offerings

At Sofka, we understand the importance of speed and efficiency in the startup world. Our approach is designed to transform your ideas into minimum viable products (MVP) in less than 8 weeks. Through an agile and collaborative process, we offer comprehensive solutions, ensuring that your startup is ready to compete and grow in the market.

Why Build the MVP with the Sofka Team?

At SOFKA, we craft, develop, and launch MVPs in less than 8 weeks.
Preference he he at travelling in Our dedicated product team collaborates closely with you to create a tailored application swiftly. By utilizing our proprietary IP and robust infrastructure, we ensure top-notch quality is delivered efficiently and effectively.

Customer Success:

Our teams are unwavering in their dedication to the success of our customers' projects.

Cost Saving:

We build MVP products with our customizable Low Code Solution to reduce close to 35% of your time & budget to launch your MVP.

Test-Driven Approach:

Our methodology revolves around the systematic use of tests to validate hypotheses.

Internal Product Design:

Our dedicated product department empowers our clients to implement a data-driven and test-based approach.

Why MVP Development is important?

Launch quickly with MVPs developed in as little as 8 weeks, gaining a first-mover advantage. Startups reduce their time to market by 60%, entering the market ahead of competitors.

Focus on core features to minimize initial development costs by up to 50%. MVP development saves approximately $50,000 on average compared to a full-feature product.

Collect real user feedback early to ensure subsequent development aligns with market needs. Companies using MVPs see a 70% increase in user satisfaction upon full product launch.

Showcase your product’s potential to increase the likelihood of securing funding. Startups with a functional MVP are 40% more likely to receive investment compared to those without a prototype.

Prioritize the most critical features to address the main pain points of your target audience. MVP-focused development leads to a 30% improvement in feature prioritization and relevance.

Test assumptions and iterate based on real-world data to reduce the risk of product failure. Companies using MVPs report a 50% reduction in product pivot rates.

Refine the user experience based on early user feedback, leading to higher engagement rates. Products developed with an MVP approach see a 35% higher user retention rate.

Build with scalability in mind to ensure the product can grow alongside your business. Businesses starting with an MVP are 45% more likely to scale successfully within the first year.


Dissatisfied with the Current Solutions to the Problem:

Build an MVP that incorporates features that will make your team more productive.


Want to Attract Investors:

An MVP lets you test the waters with minimal investment.

Recognize Yourself? It’s Time to Launch an MVP


Feel Time-to-Market Pressure:

An MVP allows you to test your idea with the target audience quickly to stay ahead of competitors.


Have Limited Resources:

Start with an MVP to gain valuable feedback from early adopters.

Features Summary:

Initial Estimate
Launch Pad Plan
Product Growth Support
Initial Estimate
Feature Selection & Project Management
Create Architecture for Your Product
Create UI/UX Wireframes of Product
Create Interactive Prototype
Create MVP
Infrastructure Deployment
Personal Brand Design + One Landing
One-Month Warranty Support
Dedicated Squad

Our Center of Excellence (COE) service lines and expertise are always available to provide additional support for any of the plans as and when required, ensuring continuous mentoring and hands-on guidance through consultative and proactive engagement. Additionally, our robust Governance Model underscores our commitment to investment in your project's success, providing structured oversight and strategic direction.

Package Details:

Initial Analysis
Launch Pad Pro
Growth Squad per month
Price from
3-5 Days
3 weeks
Starting from 3 Months
Validate idea
Fully functional MVP
Continuous growth
Schedule, Budget plan
Product Vision, Prototypes, Architecture Diagrams, User Stories, Technical Prep
Go-to-market MVP, Dedicated team, Testing, Iteration
System support, Scalability
Research tools, Adobe, Figma
Scalable technology
Tailored tools
Estimation team
Discovery Lead, Solution Architect, UI/UX Specialist, Product Specialist
Expert team led by Product Manager
Dedicated FTEs, 1100+ experts
Why Us?
Initial consultation, Project expertise, Cost-efficient, Continuous improvement
Same as Initial Analysis
Same as Initial Analysis
Same as Initial Analysis

Our Case Studies

Over the past 10 years, Sofka has partnered with over 200 startups across various industries, including FinTech, HealthTech, E-commerce, and EdTech, delivering significant results through our MVP development approach:

Time to Market:

Reduced by up to 70%, allowing startups to launch quickly and gain a competitive edge.

Cost Savings:

Saved an average of $50,000 in initial development costs per project.

User Satisfaction:

Increased user satisfaction rates by 75% due to intuitive and user-centric designs.

Market Penetration:

Helped startups achieve a 15% increase in market share within the first year.

Investment Attraction:

Secured an average of $3 million in funding post-MVP launch for our clients.

Growth and scalabilit

Our expertise ensures that startups not only achieve rapid market entry but also sustain growth and scalability, ultimately turning their visions into successful realities.