Sofka Blog

Sofka Technologies Among the Top 10 Finalists at HyperHack

UiPath, a leading company in robotic process automation software, also serves as a partner to Sofka Technologies. As allies, we participated in an event called Hyperhack, an annual competition that brings programmers from around the world to harness their knowledge and the tools provided by the company to the fullest.

From our Marketing department, we engaged in a conversation with Diana Arango, RPA leader at Sofka Technologies, who directed her team’s participation process. Their efforts demonstrated the correct and innovative usage of UiPath’s tools, earning them a spot among the top 10 worldwide.

    1. Daniela Quintero: Could you describe the process of entering HyperHack with your team?
      Diana Arango:
      Every year, UiPath hosts the global event HyperHack, aiming to boost tool utilization. Each year, they open the call for all teams to present their ideas.
    2. D.Q: What topics did Sofka Technologies address and develop for the presentation?
      Our team, sofkAutomations, participated in the “Innovation through Core Business Automation Solutions” category with a project named “Reputational Tracker.” This project helps measure the impact and influence of a company, service, or product on social media platforms (LinkedIn and Twitter), combining data collection with the analysis of comments and mentions using artificial intelligence.
    3. D.Q: How many team members participated and who were they?D.A: HyperHack requirements had teams made of 3 people. Representing Sofka Technologies were “Jefferson Córdoba,” Nicolas Villate, and Juan Pablo Oviedo.
    4. D.Q: What was the main challenge as a team?
      D.A: The primary challenge was selecting an idea that could address a global need while aligning with UiPath’s tools. This idea also needed to allow us to practically apply all the skills we’ve acquired over our journey. Additionally, it involved integrating cutting-edge services like Artificial Intelligence.
    5. D.Q: What recognition would you like to extend to your team?D.A: As we expressed on the final day, the presentation was flawless, in an event where hundreds of teams from around the world presented their ideas. For that reason, achieving a position among the top 10 in the world, and having the honor to represent Colombia in such an important event, is a tremendous achievement for a team that’s making its distinctive mark.
      I believe that carrying our Sofkian methodology, our culture, to different corners of the world is a significant opportunity, and the team has certainly left a remarkable footprint. They embodied a phrase that resonates deeply with us: “Passion is the engine that propels the world.”
      As we always say in our RPA Center of Excellence, “From Colombia to the world… RPA Sofka.”
    6. D.Q: What lessons will you take away from this competition?
      D.A: In our team, we frequently emphasize our passion for what we do. We enjoy pushing boundaries, researching to consistently provide added value to our solutions.
      The most significant lesson is that there are no limits to dreaming, no effort is wasted, and the ultimate challenge will always be self-improvement—the constant pursuit of progress, evolution, in the service of transforming the world.
    7. D.Q: What’s your conclusion after participating in this competition?D.A: My conclusion after this competition is extremely positive. While we didn’t secure the first place in Category 2, we did place among the top 10 in the world. That’s a significant achievement in itself. This experience has been enriching in every aspect, offering us the opportunity to learn and grow. Undoubtedly, this experience will serve as a solid foundation to enhance our skills and presentations in the future. From this experience, we highlight:
      • No matter how complex a situation seems, always give your best, persist, and insist.
      • Teamwork consistently yields better results.
      • Going the extra mile is worthwhile when you love and believe in your work.
      • It’s okay to be the best, but we must never forget that learning is continuous.
    8. D.Q: Post-competition, what do you most emphasize about our value proposition and services for potential clients?
      D.A: After this participation, we believe we’ve solidified Sofka’s image as a provider of comprehensive solutions, a highly competent strategic ally in the field of RPA development. Without a doubt, this becomes a crucial aspect when interacting with potential clients in the future. Furthermore, the experience gained from this competition highlights the versatility and breadth of our services. The fact that we tackled the challenge through a blend of skills, utilizing various RPA tools and artificial intelligence, reflects our comprehensive approach to addressing complex issues and presenting innovative solutions to our clients.


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